Peter Wohl's Journey

A powerful, nature-connected spiritual experience that he had in 1998, inspired Peter to begin leading ecospiritual trips and immersive experiences shortly thereafter. These have ranged from workshops at conferences and recovery retreats around New England to multi-day trips to locations like the North Maine Woods and Acadia National Park. He is a Registered Maine Guide and has spent a large portion of his adult life outdoors.

Peter has been in recovery for 29 years. He served on the board of the Maine Alliance for Addiction Recovery (MAAR) for several years and was the first recipient of the Lisa Mojer-Torres Recovery Advocacy Award, given by MAAR in 2008.

Peter has been in the field of addiction treatment for over twenty-five years. He has a masters degree in counseling psychology (MACP) and is a licensed alcohol and drug counselor and certified clinical supervisor. Peter served as the Director of Substance Use Services and then subsequently as the Director of Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Use Services, at Crisis and Counseling Centers, in Augusta, ME. For the past nine years, he has been at Behavioral Health Resources of Maine, serving first as the Outpatient Director and later as the Clinical Director. He recently left this position in the addiction treatment field to devote his full attention to advancing ecospiritually-based recovery.

Peter was also trained and certified as a recovery coach and a recovery coach trainer by the Connecticut Communities for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). He is also a HeartMath Certified Practitioner, utilizing that technology to further support program participant’s progress.

A Zen Buddhist priest and teacher, Peter is the guiding teacher for the Wild Fox sangha, an internet-based Zen practice group.

He is the author of Wild Mind, Wild Heart: Discover your true self in nature.

Peter can be reached at

He is always happy to respond to questions and inquiries.