Path of the Wild Heart
Residential Retreats

There may be times when recoverees want to intensify their recovery program and move to a deeper spiritual level. This can happen early in their process when they have achieved some basic stability. It can also happen after years of recovery, when they feel the need to become more grounded, while reinvigorating the spiritual aspect of their program.

We have created the supported Individual Residential Retreats for these times. Retreat participants will live simply. Their solitary stay will be in our 13’ bell tent in a secluded forest setting.


  • Will be able to meet daily with our Ecospiritual Guide, for spiritual direction and counsel. In conjunction with Ecospirituality, this process can integrate a recovery model, a Zen Buddhist model, or a combination of the two.
  • There will be an initial (Zoom) meeting with the guide prior to their stay. At that time, they may be asked to do specific reading. They will decide whether it will be appropriate to do that reading before, during or after their stay here.
  • They will learn to take their meals in the contemplative and highly ecological “oryoki” style.
  • They can take quiet contemplative walks on the trails that thread through our 30acre site.
  • They will learn some ecospiritual and ecopsycholgical exercises that they can utilize both throughout their stay and when they return home.
  • They will engage daily in periods of silent meditation.
  • They may choose to spend some time exploring the nearby Hills to Sea trail, the Frye Mountain Wildlife Management Area trails, and the Georges Highlands Path.
  • Evening campfires will provide an opportunity to reflect on their day and to talk further with the Guide.

Minimum stay: 3 days

Our bell tent has a futon bed and mattress. Participants will need to bring their own bedding.

A camp stove will be provided, but retreat participants will need to bring their own food.

There is a “humanure” composting toilet and a sun-shower.

A complete list of the other necessary items for the stay will be provided upon registration.

Cost: $95/day